Saturday, May 16, 2009
Gabriel García Márquez on Translators
-- Gabriel García Márquez in an interview by Peter H. Stone ("The Art of Fiction No. 69". The Paris Review. Issue 82, Winter 1981).
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Writing a Screenplay?!?
Since I have never attempted such a task the first thing on my list is to learn how to write a screenplay. What are the rules? You can't just sit down at a computer and begin writing, I understand that, although I would love to do that instead of worrying about the procedure, structure, etc. Nevertheless, I have slowly begun my research in respect of how to approach the task of writing a screenplay, what the structure should be like, etc., as well as what type of software is out there to assist in such an endeavour.
I'm not expecting the final product to be made into a Hollywood picture or to even be read by any bigshots. This is just something that I have thought about putting together for quite a few years and I think the time has finally come for me to at least attempt to achieve this goal that has been laying dormant for so long.
So, off I go! To explore and create!
Monday, April 6, 2009

I remember learning about Chichén Itzá and the mayan civilization in university. The course was entitled the History of Astronomy, if I remember correctly. A remarkable civilization. It can be noted as the most advanced ancient civilization in Latin America when it came to mathematics and astronomy. (The others being the Incas and the Aztecs.)

Among many other wonderful things we were able to see in México, Cobá was another marvel. On the way to Cobá, we stopped at a mayan community where we were invited into Hermalinda's house for some home-made "tortillas". They were delicious!
Below: Hermalinda and I in her home.
After a long drive from Cancún we arrived at Cobá where we were met with about a two-mile hike through the jungle to reach the highest mayan pyramid in the area (approximately 138 feet), the Nohoch Mul pyramid (below). Can you believe that we climbed it? Well, I only made it half way up and then froze. As far as I knew I have never been afraid of heights, however the steps here are incredibly narrow and the only thing to help you is a rope hanging down the centre that you can use as a guide...that's right, there is nothing else to hold on to. Props to my fiancé for making it all the way to the top.

I can't wait to see where we will end up this summer and what adventures we will embark on!
All photographs copyright © michalress.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
About the blog
I am currently a student of Spanish-English translation in the Greater Toronto Area and I decided to create this blog to write about my passions and inspirations.
This blog is intended to convey my contemplations about the field of translation. Nevertheless, I must warn you that I do intend to digress from the topic of choice. I have created this space first and foremost to express my reflections on everyday life and the experiences that I am faced with.
Welcome and enjoy!